Tanenbaum Institute for Science in Sport Conference


Dear Partners,

On behalf of the 2024 TISS conference program planning committee, I’m pleased to invite you to participate in the 2024 Tanenbaum Institute for Science in Sport (TISS) Conference taking place at the Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport in Toronto on Sept 14-15, 2024.

Download Prospectus PDF

This conference will bring together internationally renowned experts to share evidence- based insights across a broad range of key areas integral to high performance athletes and team success. Leading experts, scientists, and practitioners will share applications of cutting-edge research at the intersection of science, medicine, and analytics in sport.

By supporting this conference, you will have the opportunity of exposure to, and to connect with a large network of professionals in the high-performance sport science, sport medicine, sports analytics communities in the GTA and internationally as well as athletes, coaches, members of athlete care and support teams, representatives of high-performance sport organizations and more who strive for empirically supported decision making.

Please browse these opportunities and contact us directly should you wish to customize a package to suit your marketing or branding needs and we can work with you to customize a package to suit your needs. Thank you and we look forward to bringing this exciting event to life!

Ira Jacobs
DrMedSc, FCAHS, FNAK, FACSM Professor of Exercise Physiology,
Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education Director,
Tanenbaum Institute for Science in Sport